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How to speak Italian

59 Basic Italian Phrases to Start Using Today

Italian is a richly expressive language beloved for its smooth and melodic sound. Whether you’re planning a dream vacation to Venice, hoping to connect with relatives in Sicily, or simply inspired by iconic Italian films and music, learning basic Italian phrases can open the door to a world of culture and connection. By beginning your studies with practical, everyday Italian expressions, you’ll quickly feel more comfortable in real-life situations—like ordering your first cappuccino at an authentic café or conversing with friendly locals. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive deeper into must-know Italian phrases, polite essentials, and conversational tidbits.

Friendly Italian Greetings and Introductions

Starting your language journey with Italian greetings and personal introductions sets the tone for every interaction. A warm ciao or a polite buongiorno can help you create an instant connection, whether you’re meeting new friends in a café or chatting with locals at a neighborhood market.

Common Hello and Goodbye Phrases

  • Ciao (Hello/Hi/Bye) – Perfect for casual settings.
  • Buongiorno (Good morning) – Polite and versatile, often used before early afternoon.
  • Buon pomeriggio (Good afternoon) – Less common in everyday speech but still useful for more formal contexts.
  • Buonasera (Good evening) – Great for late afternoon or evening interactions.
  • Arrivederci (Goodbye) – A polite way to close out a conversation, can be slightly more formal.

Pro Tip: When in doubt, ciao works in a variety of informal settings, but if you’re greeting someone older or in a more formal situation—like at a shop or restaurant—buongiorno or buonasera is often preferred.

Introducing Yourself

  • Mi chiamo… (My name is…)
  • Sono… (I am…)
  • Piacere di conoscerti (Nice to meet you)
  • Come ti chiami? (What is your name? – informal)
  • Come si chiama? (What is your name? – formal)

Extended Example:

Mi chiamo Maria, sono di Roma. Piacere di conoscerti!
(My name is Maria, I’m from Rome. Nice to meet you!)

These basic Italian phrases instantly create rapport. Italians often appreciate a friendly introduction—even if it’s just exchanging names and a smile.

Polite Essentials and Courtesies

Politeness is deeply embedded in Italian culture. Even a simple per favore or grazie can transform an ordinary conversation into a warm, friendly exchange. This section covers the Italian words you’ll need to navigate daily interactions with ease and respect.

Key Polite Words

  • Per favore (Please)
  • Grazie (Thank you)
  • Prego (You’re welcome)
  • Scusa/Scusi (Excuse me, informal/formal)
  • Mi dispiace (I’m sorry)

A little politeness goes a long way in Italy, where warmth and friendliness are deeply ingrained in the culture. A quick grazie or per favore can make any interaction smoother—whether you’re buying fresh produce at a market or asking for directions from a local.

Additional Courtesies

  • Con permesso (With your permission/Excuse me, to pass by someone)
  • Non c’è di che (Don’t mention it, an alternative to “You’re welcome”)

Pro Tip: Scusa is informal and used with friends and people you know well. If you want to show respect or address someone older or in authority, use scusi.

Navigating Daily Conversations with Basic Italian Phrases

Once you’ve mastered greetings and courtesies, it’s time to tackle everyday chats. From asking for directions to talking about the weather, these basic phrases in Italian will help you confidently handle day-to-day encounters—whether you’re exploring a bustling Italian city or practicing with a new language partner.

Italian Phrases to Use When Asking for Help

  • Dov’è…? (Where is…?)
  • Potresti aiutarmi? (Could you help me?)
  • Non capisco (I don’t understand)
  • Parli inglese? (Do you speak English?)
  • Come si dice… in italiano? (How do you say… in Italian?)
  • Potrebbe ripetere, per favore? (Could you repeat that, please?) – Formal
  • Ho bisogno di aiuto. (I need help)
  • Puoi parlare più lentamente? (Can you speak more slowly? – Informal)

Whether you’re lost in the winding streets of Florence or trying to decipher a menu in Naples, being able to ask for help is invaluable. Italians are generally helpful, and showing effort in speaking their language often earns you extra goodwill.

Italian Phrases for Ordering Food & Drinks

  • Vorrei… (I would like…)
  • Il conto, per favore (The bill, please)
  • Un caffè, per favore (A coffee, please)
  • Posso avere il menù? (May I have the menu?)
  • Avete piatti vegetariani? (Do you have vegetarian dishes?)
  • C’è un menù del giorno? (Is there a daily special?)
  • Potrei avere un bicchiere d’acqua? (Could I have a glass of water?)
  • Potrei vedere la carta dei vini? (Could I see the wine list?)
  • Mi porta… per favore? (Could you bring me… please?)
  • È possibile avere il piatto senza…? (Is it possible to have the dish without…?)

Italian cuisine is world-renowned, so being able to confidently order dishes can truly enhance your travel experience. From pasta to pastries, practicing these expressions makes the process easier and more enjoyable.

Italian Phrases for Small Talk & Daily Exchanges

  • Che tempo fa oggi? (What’s the weather like today?)
  • Oggi fa molto caldo/freddo. (It’s very hot/cold today.)
  • Buona giornata! (Have a good day!)
  • Buona serata! (Have a good evening!)
  • Che fai di bello oggi? (What are you up to today?)
  • Hai programmi per il weekend? (Do you have any weekend plans?)
  • Com’è andata la tua giornata? (How was your day?)

One effective way to practice these daily exchanges is by using Tandem. This language exchange platform makes it easy to connect with native speakers for real, meaningful conversations—perfect for solidifying your newly learned phrases.

Basic Italian Phrases for Making Friends

Ready to connect more deeply with the people around you? Italy’s social culture is vibrant, and it’s common to strike up conversations with strangers over coffee or at the local market. Below are Italian phrases that can help you engage and form genuine bonds.

Conversational Starters

  • Come stai? (How are you?) – Informal.
  • Come sta? (How are you?) – Formal.
  • Di dove sei? (Where are you from? – informal)
  • Di dov’è? (Where are you from? – formal)
  • Cosa fai nel tempo libero? (What do you do in your free time?)

Diving Deeper into Conversation

  • Ti piace…? (Do you like…?)
  • Quali sono i tuoi hobby? (What are your hobbies?)
  • Hai fratelli o sorelle? (Do you have brothers or sisters?)

Italians are known for their friendly nature and love of conversation. Ask open-ended questions about family, hobbies, or favorite foods to keep the dialogue flowing. You’ll often find people eager to share their culture and learn about yours. You can even brush up on some Italian slang to help you form a deeper connection.

Cultural Tips

  • Italians tend to greet people they know with a kiss on each cheek—but wait to see if the other person initiates.
  • Maintaining steady eye contact shows sincerity and respect.
  • Hand gestures are a big part of Italian communication. Don’t be shy to express yourself with a few gestures—just do so respectfully!

Expanding Your Vocabulary

Beyond basic greetings and conversations, you’ll soon find yourself needing more specialized vocabulary—especially if you’re traveling around Italy or diving deeper into local culture. Familiarizing yourself with numbers, time expressions, and shopping terms will ensure you’re ready for various everyday scenarios.

Numbers & Time

  • Uno, due, tre… (One, two, three…)
  • Che ore sono? (What time is it?)
  • È l’una / Sono le due (It’s 1 o’clock / It’s 2 o’clock)

Having a handle on basic numbers can help when paying for items or catching a train.


  • Un biglietto per… per favore (A ticket to… please)
  • A che ora parte il treno? (What time does the train leave?)
  • Dov’è la fermata dell’autobus? (Where is the bus stop?)

Knowing how to navigate Italy’s extensive train and bus systems will make traveling around cities and regions much smoother.

Shopping & Bargaining

  • Quanto costa? (How much does it cost?)
  • È troppo caro. (That’s too expensive.)
  • Avete una taglia più grande/più piccola? (Do you have a bigger/smaller size?)

From the bustling markets in Palermo to luxury boutiques in Milan, being able to ask about prices and sizes is key to a successful shopping trip.

Building Your Confidence with Tandem

Mastering basic Italian phrases is just the beginning of your language adventure. Whether you’re studying for an upcoming trip, looking to make Italian friends, or aiming for long-term fluency, these expressions will help you break the ice and feel at home in Italy. Remember to stay curious, keep practicing, and don’t be afraid to make mistakes—language learning is about progress, not perfection.

While self-study and structured courses are fantastic, nothing beats real-time practice with native speakers. Language exchange apps like Tandem offer a supportive environment to test your skills and learn from mistakes in a low-pressure setting. So, download Tandem today and immerse yourself in authentic Italian conversation.

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