27 Essential Italian Slang Words and Phrases
When you’re learning Italian, you’ll probably notice that a lot of native speakers seem to talk with their hands. While a few exaggerated gestures are part of becoming fluent in Italian, so is learning Italian slang! In doing so, you can connect with locals and truly sound like a native. However, Italian slang can vary widely between different regions in Italy, so it’s helpful to do a bit of research before you start using certain phrases. Still, slang in Italian is a fun way to help boost your fluency and fit in with the locals. To help you get started, practice using the following 25 essential Italian slang words and phrases.
Italian Slang Words to Help You Sound Like a Local
Italian slang can be used in a variety of situations, from expressing angst at an everyday issue to telling someone that they’re not paying attention. However, dialect and region can lead to variations in slang, so double check before you pull out one of your newest words. To help you practice, and give you more information about when and where to use what, download Tandem and match with a native Italian speaker today.
Avere la mani in pasta
This is one of the quintessential Italian slang phrases and literally translates to ‘to have one’s hands in the pasta.’ However, it’s used among locals to describe someone who is always in everyone else’s business.
When you’re in Northern Italy, you can use this as a way to say, ‘let’s go.’ It’s simply the shortened version of the Italian verb andiamo.
In other parts of Italy, you might hear people saying ‘dai.’ Although this is a common conjugation of the verb dare (to give), it’s used as slang in Italian that means ‘come on.’
Che cosa
What does che cosa mean in Italian slang? This technically means ‘what thing?’ However, it’s often used as a way to describe someone who doesn’t know what they’re doing, or doesn’t understand something.
Come te la passi?
You can use this phrase if you want to ask, ‘How are you?’ in Italian slang.
This is one of the Italian slang words used to express uncertainty or not knowing the answer to a question. It's like saying, ‘I don't know’ in English.
This is an informal term for ‘guys’ or ‘friends’ commonly used by Italians.
Che casino
This Italian phrase literally means ‘what a mess!’ but it's often used to describe chaotic or confusing situations.
Che figata
This is another Italian slang phrase that has a pretty funny direct translation. It means, ‘what a big fig!’ but it’s used as slang to say, ‘how cool!’
Mettere la paglia vicino al fuoco
This Italian slang phrase is used as a way to say, ‘to tempt fate.’ However, when translated literally, it means ‘to put a straw in the fire.’
This is a milder way to say ‘damn’ or ‘hell.’ Combined with ‘che’ as ‘che cavolo’ it means ‘what the hell.’
This is a very common Italian slang word that’s used every day. It means, ‘enough.’
Mamma mia
Believe it or not, this is actually an Italian slang phrase that’s used as an exclamation of surprise or disbelief, similar to ‘oh my God’ or ‘oh my’
Essere del gatto
This slang for Italian locals directly translates to ‘to be of the cat,’ however, it’s often used as a way to say ‘to get in trouble.’
Essere alla frutta
This Italian expression is used when you want to talk about hitting rock bottom. However, it can also be used as a way to say that you’ve reached the end.
Essere nelle nuvole
You can use this Italian slang phrase when you want to say that you’re daydreaming. It directly translates to ‘to be in the clouds,’ so the slang actually makes a lot of sense!
Avere la testa tra le nuvole
Alternatively, if you want to say that someone ‘has one’s head in the clouds,’ you can use this Italian slang phrase. It’s meant to be used as a description for someone who’s distracted.
This is a way to say, ‘Don't mention it’ or ‘no problem.’ It’s also similar to saying ‘don’t worry’ in Italian slang.
This is the slang word for ‘chill’ or ‘relax.’ It’s another variation of don’t worry in Italian slang.
Meno male
This phrase directly translates to ‘less bad,’ but it’s often used as Italian slang for ‘thank God’ or ‘thank goodness.’
Come il cacio sui maccheroni
This directly translates to ‘like sheep’s milk for the macaroni,’ but that’s not how it’s used. Instead, it’s slang for Italian locals that’s used the same way as the English phrase, ‘just what the doctor ordered.’
Alzare il gomito
This slang for an Italian is used to say ‘to take a drink.’ Its literal translation, however, means ‘to raise the elbow.’
Mi fa cagare
This is another funny Italian slang. The direct translation means, ‘That makes me poop,’ but it’s often used as a way to express disgust or disdain.
Sei scemo
If someone is being mean, you can say ‘sei scemo.’ Although it means ‘you’re shrinking,’ it’s commonly used as slang for an Italian who is being unpleasant.
Che palle
You can use this slang in Italian when you want to say something is annoying. Although it literally translates to ‘what balls,’ it’s often used as a way to say ‘what a pain in the ass.’
Un/una guastafeste
This is a fun Italian slang word that can be used to call someone a ‘party pooper.’ Basically, anyone who is in a bad mood and doesn’t want to join in the fun.
In bocca al lupo
This Italian slang literally means ‘In the mouth of the wolf.’ It's used as an expression when you want to wish someone good luck, similar to saying ‘break a leg’ in English. In response to this slang, you would say ‘crepi.’
Practicing your everyday Italian phrases is important, but if you really want to sound like a native, learning some of these Italian slang words is a great first step! To help you use them in the right context, download Tandem and match with a native speaker today. With millions of members worldwide, you’re sure to find someone who can help you gain confidence to use Italian slang like a native. Using real-life conversations, genuine communication, and a unique approach, Tandem works to help our members foster a deeper understanding of language while improving fluency and building long-lasting friendships. All you need to do is sign up, match with a native speaker of your target language, and start communicating. Sign up for Tandem today to join our community and work on your fluency.