Essential German Slang Words You Need to Know
The German language can sometimes be a bit intimidating, and regional variations can make things even more confusing. Still, there are ways to help you sound more like a native speaker. One of the best ways to do this is to learn some German slang words. German is extremely literal, which can make words long and descriptive. That’s where slang for German speakers comes in. To help you enhance your language learning experience, here are some of the most common German slang words and phrases you need to know.
How to Say Hello in German Slang
There are several different ways to say hello in the ‘textbook’ German language, but you can also learn how to say hello in German slang. You can mix them or replace them with several greetings in German to sound more like a local. Just make sure you’re using the right option for the region you’re in. Some of the most common ways include:
This is one of the most basic options when learning how to say hello in German slang.
Na can also be used to say ‘hey.’ However, when posed as a question, this is also an option to ask how are you in German slang.
Moin is another option when learning how to say hello in German slang. It’s the shortened version of ‘Guten Morgen’ that’s used in northern Germany, but is often used regardless of the time of day.
Although this directly translates to ‘at your service,’ it can be used as a way to say hello (and goodbye) in certain parts of Germany.
How to Say Cool in German Slang
You can use any of the following words to learn how to say cool in German slang. While not all of them directly translates to ‘cool,’ they are used among many younger people to mean the same thing.
One way to say cool in German slang is to use the English version! That’s right, many Germans will simply say ‘cool’ to talk about something they thought was great.
Krass is one of those German slang words that can be used to describe a ton of different things. In many situations, it’s used as a way to say ‘cool.’ However, it can also be used as a form of disbelief, a way to describe something (either positively or negatively!), and more. You can usually determine its meaning based on the context it’s used in.
Although this technically means ‘casual,’ it’s often used as a way to say cool in German.
Although geil directly translates to ‘horny,’ it’s not really used in that context. Instead, it can be used as a way to describe something you think is cool or interesting. It’s commonly compared to the English slang, ‘sick.’
Directly translated, ‘hammer’ in German means… hammer—the tool you use to nail things. However, in German slang, ‘hammer’ means ‘cool.’
Other Common German Slang Words
Several other German slang words can be used in everyday conversation. To practice using them correctly, download Tandem and match with a native German speaker today. Until then, work on your pronunciation with the following German slang words:
Directly translated, mensch means ‘human.’ However, when used as German slang, it can be used to express dissatisfaction, kind of like the phrase, ‘oh man…’
Jein is kind of a combination of ‘ja’ and ‘nein,’ or yes and no. It’s often used when you’re not sure about something or something isn’t clear to you.
This German slang word basically means the same as ‘crap’ in English. It’s often used when you face something inconvenient or annoying that’s not really going to ruin your day, but it’s still not fun to deal with.
Assi is used as German slang to describe someone who is uneducated. It can also be used when people are unemployed or from low-income areas. Assi is also commonly used to describe people who spend most of their time drinking or doing drugs or to talk about a low-quality item.
This is another German slang word that means ‘dumb.’ However, it’s a bit different than ‘assi.’ Instead, ‘bescheuert’ tends to be used to describe someone whose mind is somewhere else.
The German slang word ‘Alter’ has several different meanings. It can be used as a greeting, an interjection within a conversation, or a way to express your surprise. It can also be used to add a bit of emphasis to whatever you’re saying. Fun fact: this German slang comes from the elongated term ‘Alter Schwede,’ which directly translates to ‘old Swedish man.’
When you want to say something tastes good, all you need to do is say ‘lecker’.
This German slang word is used to describe something that’s crazy. While it can be used for positive and negative situations, it’s mostly used negatively.
There are a few different meanings to this slang in German. It can be used to call out someone you think is lying, as a way to release frustration, or in a playful way that kind of equates to ‘don’t be silly.’
This slang in German can be used as a way to say someone is joking around with you or ‘pulling your leg.’
Verdammt is often used as a way to say ‘damn.’ You can use it in any situation, similar to how you use damn in English.
This German slang word is used to describe someone who’s a ‘know-it-all.’
Fun German Slang Phrases and What They Mean
German is very literal, so German slang phrases tend to have funny direct translations. However, their meaning usually goes beyond the translation, and German verbs, nouns, and adjectives transform into new meanings. For example, check out the following fun German slang phrases and their meaning.
Nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben
This German slang phrase directly translates to, ‘Not have all the cups in the cupboard anymore.’ As you can imagine, it’s used to call someone crazy.
Die Nase voll haben
This phrase means ‘To have your nose full.’ While you may think it’s used to talk about someone with a cold or someone doing something illegal, it’s actually used as a way to say that you’re fed up with something.
Was geht ab?
This is a way to ask how are you in German slang. It’s used very informally and mostly among younger people. In English, it’s equivalent is ‘What’s up?’
Auf dicke Hose machen
Another fun direct translation which means, ‘To act as if you have fat pants.’ If you can imagine, this is used as a way to describe someone who’s acting better than they really are or someone who brags a lot.
Bock haben
When looked at literally, this means ‘to have a goat.’ However, in German slang, it means that you’re in the mood to do something or you’re up to it.
Na ja…
Are you feeling a bit indecisive about something? You can use ‘na ja’ for that. It can also be used as a bit of an interjection, similar to ‘anyway.’
Das Leben ist kein Ponyhof
This German slang phrase translates to ‘Life isn’t a place for riding ponies,’ and is used to basically say that life isn’t always supposed to be easy.
Jetzt geht’s um die Wurst
While this literally means ‘Now it’s about the sausage,’ it’s used as a way to say ‘It’s now or never.’
Nur ein Schwein trinkt allein
Germans love their beer, and the drinking culture is strong. This slang phrase translates to ‘Only a pig drinks alone,’ which is often used as a way to say you’ll join in when someone says they’re getting a beer.
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag
Once you start making friends, you’ll want to learn how to say Happy Birthday in German slang. You can also use German phrases such as ‘Alles Liebe’ or ‘Herzlichen Glückwunsch.’ Just make sure you practice your numbers in German so you can wish them well as they get older!
German slang words and phrases can be a great way to take your fluency to the next level. However, you want to make sure that you’re using them in the correct context. The best way to do that is to practice with a native German speaker. That’s where Tandem comes in. With millions of members worldwide, you can match with a German speaker regardless of where you are. Having real-world conversations with like-minded individuals is a great way to help you build your skills, from the German alphabet to more intricate German slang phrases and everything in between. Who knows, you might even make some lifelong friends along the way! All you need to do is sign up, match with a native speaker of your target language, and start communicating. Sign up for Tandem today to join our community and work on your fluency.