Mastering Spanish Numbers 1 to 100
With 548 million Spanish speakers around the world, working towards fluency can open a lot of doors. Spanish is the official language of 21 countries but is spoken across many more. While any language journey can feel like an uphill battle, starting with a strong foundation will help. Even though it can feel a bit rudimentary at first, learning how to spell Spanish numbers 1 – 100 and speak them like a local will go a long way. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how to master the numbers in Spanish 1 – 100 and beyond.
How to Say Numbers in Spanish 1 to 10
Spanish is primarily a phonetic language, which means pronunciation for Spanish numbers 1 to 10 and beyond is essentially how the word is written. Understanding how to say the numbers in Spanish from 1 to 10 will give you a solid foundation for pronunciation and help you master numbers up to 100 and beyond. Once you get these basic numbers down, learning how to say numbers in Spanish gets easier. To help you truly master how to write numbers in Spanish and pronounce them correctly, download Tandem and match with a native speaker today! In the meantime, get started with the easy-to-follow table below that covers how to spell Spanish numbers and pronounce them accordingly.
Number | Written Number in Spanish | Spanish Number Pronunciation |
1 | uno | ooh-no |
2 | dos | dohs |
3 | tres | tress |
4 | cuatro | kwat-troh |
5 | cinco | seen-koh |
6 | seis | says |
7 | siete | sye-te |
8 | ocho | oh-choh |
9 | nueve | nway-vay |
10 | diez | dyess |
How to Write Numbers in Spanish 11 to 19
The Spanish numbers 11 to 19 follow a different structure but still incorporate the root word of each number, for the most part. They tend to include similar sounds or syllables, kind of like how you say “four” and “fourteen” in English. However, the pattern is still a bit irregular, so it’s best to work on memorizing these. You can see how to write numbers in Spanish 11 to 19 below.
11 — once
12 — doce
13 — trece
14 — catorce
15 — quince
16 — dieciséis
17 — diecisiete
18 — dieciocho
19 — diecinueve
Spanish Numbers: Learning the Multiples of 10
To fully understand how to say numbers in Spanish 1 – 100, you must first learn the multiples of ten. This will create a foundation that allows you to count into the millions if you really want to. You can see these Spanish numbers below.
10 — diez
20 — veinte
30 — treinta
40 — cuarenta
50 — cincuenta
60 — sesenta
70 — setenta
80 — ochenta
90 — noventa
100 — cien
Spanish Numbers 20 to 29
The last chunk of Spanish numbers to follow a bit of an irregular pattern are 20 to 29. The Spanish numbers 20 to 29 follow a unique rule compared to the others, as you can see below.
20 — veinte
21 — veintiuno
22 — veintidós
23 — veintitrés
24 — veinticuatro
25 — veinticinco
26 — veintiséis
27 — veintisiete
28 — veintiocho
29 — veintinueve
How to Write Spanish Numbers 30 to 100
Once you’ve mastered 1 to 29, the rest of the Spanish numbers follow a distinct pattern. Unlike the numbers in French, writing Spanish numbers 30 to 100 is easy and predictable. Each multiple of ten will be used, and numbers are separated with an “y,” which basically means “and.” Check out the list below of the remaining Spanish numbers 1 – 100 and see how quickly you can catch on.
30 — treinta
31 — treinta y uno
32 — treinta y dos
33 — treinta y tres
34 — treinta y cuatro
35 — treinta y cinco
36 — treinta y seis
37 — treinta y siete
38 — treinta y ocho
39 — treinta y nueve
40 — cuarenta
41 — cuarenta y uno
42 — cuarenta y dos
43 — cuarenta y tres
44 — cuarenta y cuatro
45 — cuarenta y cinco
46 — cuarenta y seis
47 — cuarenta y siete
48 — cuarenta y ocho
49 — cuarenta y nueve
50 — cincuenta
51 — cincuenta y uno
52 — cincuenta y dos
53 — cincuenta y tres
54 — cincuenta y cuatro
55 — cincuenta y cinco
56 — cincuenta y seis
57 — cincuenta y siete
58 — cincuenta y ocho
59 — cincuenta y nueve
60 — sesenta
61 — sesenta y uno
62 — sesenta y dos
63 — sesenta y tres
64 — sesenta y cuatro
65 — sesenta y cinco
66 — sesenta y seis
67 — sesenta y siete
68 — sesenta y ocho
69 — sesenta y nueve
70 — setenta
71 — setenta y uno
72 — setenta y dos
73 — setenta y tres
74 — setenta y cuatro
75 — setenta y cinco
76 — setenta y seis
77 — setenta y siete
78 — setenta y ocho
79 — setenta y nueve
80 — ochenta
81 — ochenta y uno
82 — ochenta y dos
83 — ochenta y tres
84 — ochenta y cuatro
85 — ochenta y cinco
86 — ochenta y seis
87 — ochenta y siete
88 — ochenta y ocho
89 — ochenta y nueve
90 — noventa
91 — noventa y uno
92 — noventa y dos
93 — noventa y tres
94 — noventa y cuatro
95 — noventa y cinco
96 — noventa y seis
97 — noventa y siete
98 — noventa y ocho
99 — noventa y nueve
100 — cien
How to Count From 100 to 1,000 in Spanish
To take your Spanish numbers to the next level (literally), let’s move on to the hundreds. The formula is basically the hundred denominator (100) + the Spanish number 1 – 100, as listed in the article above. For example, 106 would be ciento seis, but 166 is ciento sesenta y seis. Here are some more examples for you to review.
100 – cien
105 – ciento cinco
155 – ciento cincuenta y cinco
200 – doscientos
208 – doscientos ocho
288 – dosciento ochenta y ocho
300 – trescientos
318 – trescientos dieciocho
388 – trescientos ochenta y ocho
400 – cuatrocientos
500 – quinientos
600 – seiscientos
700 – setecientos
800 – ochocientos
900 – novecientos
1,000 – mil
1,100 – mil cien
1,376 – mil trescientos setenta y seis
Luckily, the numbers in Spanish follow a pretty easy rule. Once you get the hang of 1 to 10, memorize 21 to 29, and learn the multiples, the rest is smooth sailing! To help you practice speaking like a native, download Tandem today. Tandem offers a unique language learning experience that will help you deepen your understanding and improve your Spanish numbers while learning to apply them in real conversations. You can also test your hand at practicing numbers in German, numbers in Italian, or even numbers in Japanese! All you need to do is download the app, sign up, and find a native speaker of your target language. Once you match, you’ll begin communicating through language exchange and one-on-one teaching. To join our worldwide community, sign up for Tandem today!