ハフル アル バティンで韓国語を学ぼう
ハフル アル バティン
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All the people is the source of a beautiful language to learn...
Actually i,d like to in the near future progress Certificate IELTS and TOFEL certificate The application helps me TANDEM earn correct language from the people of the language from all across the land .
Enjoy the discussion of topics that contain the new vocabulary of people of aboriginal language like At life,at home ,at work ,in the university I like to discuss to talk about food work in the kitchen
An open mind for social, academic and sciences topic. I would...
I have been studingEnglish for more than 5 years but still my speaking not been improved and i wish Tandem will help me in order to improve the fourth important skills of learning English skills. Tandem is the only choice to be advertised for my students.
The main goal is to speak fluently in English. My accent is still not clear for native speaker of English. I am struggling to pronounce clear words for others. I wish my speaking level will be comparable with my writing and reading level.
I want to make friends with Japanese people, teach English, and...
I am British but I live and work in Saudi Arabia. I am an English teacher. I like music , art , plants , and video games . What do you like? Ask me any questions about English or IELTS!
Anybody who is happy. I am also ️
Friendly ,smiley and not serious about mistakes, we are here...
I want to learn each year at least one new language ( i'm not into fully mastering the language,but at least 40% of it with proper accent and grammar). Also, meeting new ,friendly people ,so if i travel to their country i would love to meet them and pract
I'm in love with technology ,all kind of technology even programming it ! Also, i do love some serious discussion about personal development and how to pass life's issue if any. That's all Psst, i enjoy humor a lot!
I wanna practice German, Italian or Russian. Glad to teach anyone...
Everyday life, food and travel, culture, nature and society. History (music history, cultural), art, and science.
Just be yourself. Talk to me passionately about something you love. I like deep conversations, intelligent and witty
サウジアラビア・ハフル アル バティンにいるオンライン言語交換のパートナーを探し中ですか?
Tandemは世界最大の言語交換アプリ。ハフル アル バティンで 韓国語を話すメンバー1,369人が韓国語を練習する仲間を探しています!Tandemの無料アプリをダウンロードして、世界各国のネイティブと会話練習をはじめよう!
ハフル アル バティンで韓国語の言語交換相手を探しているメンバーはどれくらいいますか?
ハフル アル バティンには韓国語での言語交換を希望するメンバーが1,369人います。
サウジアラビア国内のハフル アル バティン以外の都市で韓国語の言語交換パートナーを見つけられる場所はどこですか?
<a href=/ja/learn/korean/buraydah />ブライダ、<a href=/ja/learn/korean/sakaka />サカーカ、<a href=/ja/learn/korean/najran />ナジュラーンでも韓国語のタンデムパートナーを見つけることができます。
Tandemはお互いの母国語を教え合うことができる言語交換アプリです。毎月50万人以上もの人々がTandemにアクセスし、そのうち1,369人がハフル アル バティンから利用しています。